"The only way couples stay together happily after an affair is to make their relationship stronger and more passionate than ever before. In this Building an Affair Proof Relationship Programme I will show you how.”
Your Steps Out Of Conflict And Into Connection
It was thought for decades by relationship experts that after the first Romance Stage of relationships, we entered into the Conflict Stage, and for most of us, we would stay there. The reason for this, is because when our expectations aren't met, our idealisation of our partner breaks down, and then we enter into the conflict stage of relationship. It was thought then, that love was gone. What a revelation and relief for most of us, that that is wrong. That loving is our true nature. What is miraculous, and has been found and demonstrated by the works of Harville Hendricks and Katherine LaKelly Hunt, and others over the past four decades, is that if we do certain things, we can come out of persistent and deep rooted conflicts which leave us feeling deeply unfulfilled and frustrated with the person we feel at some level most committed to, and enter into a loving relationship - which manifests, (if we practice certain skills which eventually become our way of being), our true, kind, loving, curious, playful, compassionate and connected, nature. Borne out of my work of over 36 years, the truth is that nature has designed us in relationships, to go from the romance phase, to the conflict phase, and if we do certain specific things in the conflict phase, we can come out of that phase, and enter into the phase of kind and loving connection, becoming partners not just in each other's healing, but in each other's well-being, thriving, celebration, and connection! One of the pathways to do this, is relationship coaching, which if done well, takes us and our partner to the next level of our personal and relational development. Couple Coaching works with you to experience Relationship Success. And I can think of nothing in the world, more valuable. Like 1000's of couples before you, you can learn to: Communicate well, by speaking without criticism, listening without judgement, and creating a bridge, a real energetic space between you. Rumi in his wisdom and poem calls it a field. It is your deep psychic place of connection. Enjoy the pleasure of intimate connection during sex on multiple levels of your beings. Share a Vision that excites you to co-create your life together. Give your partner love in the ways they need, opening the key to their heart. Be loved the way you really need to be loved. Learn and take the steps to loving, and kind, playful connections. Embracing your differences in ways which make you stronger, and your lives more beautiful and richer. Live the answers you have found. What you will discover will change your lives As you continue learning, practicing, and embodying the most advanced Couples' Relationship practices, you will find yourselves flourishing together. And if you keep practicing these skills daily, they eventually become ways of being. |
Couple Counselling and Relationship Coaching for affairs, in London, Bath and Skype
Building an affair-proof marriage
Every couple knows, at least intuitively, even if they don't admit it, that there were reasons the affair happened. For the person who discovers their partner has had an affair, this is one of the severest blows anyone can experience. For the person who has been unfaithful, hit by the reality of their situation, they often feel confused, upset, angry, and afraid.
This is the time when what you do next can make a difference for the rest of your lives.
If you are ready to save your relationship, I walk you through the steps you can take to save their relationship and make it better than ever before.
I show you how you can build trust again, rekindle love, and create a strong intimate real foundation, making your relationship more fulfilling, stronger and passionate than ever before.
Are you ready to save your relationship?
Knowing what to do in a crisis can be a huge relief for any couple. I walk you through the steps to heal from an affair. I have over 27 years experience helping thousands of couples who have recovered their relationship from affairs.I teach you the best approaches to heal your relationship and go even deeper to teach you how to create an inspirational foundation which taps into your desires, needs and dreams, and work together as a team.
You will discover your partner's needs, how they differ from your own, and how to meet them in a way which brings you joy.
We help you realise how an affair can jolt a couple to take constructive action which leads to a new quality of life and deeper understanding of each other. As one man said affectionately after 20 years of marriage, "I finally found my wife."
You will be supported every step of the way
If we are a good fit to work together, you will be supported every step of the way, with full immersion sessions which last between an hour and a half to two hours.
This enables you to take a powerful step forward upon your journey to creating the relationship you desire in each and every session.
You will experience the results and feel the difference in how you are in yourselves and with each other.
You will also receive telephone, email and text support in between sessions, as my level of commitment to your relationship and well-being goes beyond what most therapists or coaches offer, because I genuinely care about your relationship.
If you are ready to start your journey to healing your marriage, and creating a sustainable loving relationship, call John or Linda on 0785 4455 286 today, or fill out the form below.
This is the time when what you do next can make a difference for the rest of your lives.
If you are ready to save your relationship, I walk you through the steps you can take to save their relationship and make it better than ever before.
I show you how you can build trust again, rekindle love, and create a strong intimate real foundation, making your relationship more fulfilling, stronger and passionate than ever before.
Are you ready to save your relationship?
Knowing what to do in a crisis can be a huge relief for any couple. I walk you through the steps to heal from an affair. I have over 27 years experience helping thousands of couples who have recovered their relationship from affairs.I teach you the best approaches to heal your relationship and go even deeper to teach you how to create an inspirational foundation which taps into your desires, needs and dreams, and work together as a team.
You will discover your partner's needs, how they differ from your own, and how to meet them in a way which brings you joy.
We help you realise how an affair can jolt a couple to take constructive action which leads to a new quality of life and deeper understanding of each other. As one man said affectionately after 20 years of marriage, "I finally found my wife."
You will be supported every step of the way
If we are a good fit to work together, you will be supported every step of the way, with full immersion sessions which last between an hour and a half to two hours.
This enables you to take a powerful step forward upon your journey to creating the relationship you desire in each and every session.
You will experience the results and feel the difference in how you are in yourselves and with each other.
You will also receive telephone, email and text support in between sessions, as my level of commitment to your relationship and well-being goes beyond what most therapists or coaches offer, because I genuinely care about your relationship.
If you are ready to start your journey to healing your marriage, and creating a sustainable loving relationship, call John or Linda on 0785 4455 286 today, or fill out the form below.