Extraordinary Therapy For Extraordinary Results
Family Therapy is a dynamic, inter-relational, approach to helping families communicate, evolve as individuals, and together. This empowers parents to deeply connect and work together, and each child, adolescent, adult, to express their individual needs, in ways which are mutually safe, respected, and connected. There is no blame, only finding a positive way forwards for everyone, using advanced communications skills, relationships skills, and virtuous cycles of repair and connection, as well as practice and living celebration of gifts, achievements, through expressing qualities of compassion, kindness, creativity, and positivity, to help families evolve.
The solutions are dynamic and life-changing, healing rifts within families, creating love and connection for you as a couple and releasing your child's or children's true potential.
"Dear John,
Things have improved greatly with the children since we came to see you. Also, Alex is far happier and more relaxed. He actually said that of all the therapists/consultants he'd seen you were by far his favourite and this is the quickest change he'd ever had. High praise indeed from Alex! A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Kindest Regards, Isabelle"
"Dear John,
I wanted to show you baby Gemma, now 12 days old. Without your help this would never have happened. David and I are loving being parents. Thank you so much for enabling us to become a better partnership and get to this point in our lives!"
Best wishes, Lucy"