Couple Counselling in Dublin
Advanced Intensive Transformational Couple Sessions - Our 2 to 3 hour Sessions in Dublin will Change your Life!
If you and your partner are having difficulties in communicating, we have the answer!
What we do
If you and your partner are arguing, we teach you how to change your focus from negative to positive - in always having a positive outcome in mind, to use direct communication, to ask high grade solution focused questions, to using humour, making time for each other, and doing things which make you feel truly alive.
Our Step by Step approach will go to the core of solving your relationship issues, helping you incorporate each other's goals into a shared vision, meaning and purpose, for your relationship. This creates a strong mutual loving foundation for your life together.
We will then coach you on how to make it happen, giving you any tools you may need - such as listening skills, understanding male-female polarity in creating lasting sexual attraction, stepping into your personal power in your vocation, and taking practical steps to realise your dreams, to create a mutual and shared expansive platform out of which you can grow together for the rest of your lives.
Who we see
We see couples from all walks of live, builders, carpenters, farmers, lawyers, judges, housewives, CEO's, entrepreneurs, artists, actors, teachers, in fact from every field you can think of.
Often couples come to us as their last hope. Sometimes they have seen other therapists with limited success, but still do not want to give up on their relationship.
When couples come on the verge of separation they have usually been trying on their own to put things right for a long time, without knowing the steps they can take to make things better between them.
Our expertise is in saving and turning round relationships on the brink of separation.
The sessions are two hours instead of the traditional hour, and in that time I provide a space for you to:
Learn advance communication skills giving you the tools to create connection and deeper understanding.
Meet each other's needs and grow as individuals and as a couple
Out of your individual core values create a vision of shared values which encompasses your differences and strengths in a way where you can both grow and create your life together.
Uncover and resolve blocks to loving.
Putting love, growth, contribution and connection first, so working as a team from sharing these values you can handle anything together.
Go first in loving, each taking the initiative to love - without waiting to be loved, You may ask, "Why should I go first?" The reason is because this is the quickest and easiest way to get what you need and create the relationship you really want. Initiating love also educates your partner in what love is, love is giving - and the more you give the more you have - so it is very easy to fall in love with your partner again when you totally change your focus from getting to giving. For this reason, when someone says, "I am don't know if I am in love with my partner," the therapeutic question is, "Well, are you creating love?"
This flies in the face of how many people imagine love should be. The other partner should love them as they are, for themselves, and often do so without being asked - or informed of their needs!
Given that we love people usually in the way we want to be loved - it is hardly surprising this is a recipe for pain, frustration, blame, and unhappiness.
Few people realise that creating happiness is an art, not a right. It is an active science which to a great degree we have a huge amount of control over. Bringing this science to relationships, creates wise and flourishing relationships.
Work on the surface level to communicate with each other in a way which creates connection
reach and realign the underlying issues which caused your problems,
deeply come to understand where you are both at at the moment,
see how each other works, and what has not been working - so you can put it right,
create connection with each other
And from that place of connection you can create a way forwards, with common goals, vision and purpose, which unites your fulfillment as individuals with your fulfillment as a couple, to create a strong partnership together.
The difference between traditional couple counselling is that while traditional couple counselling will facilitate communication, I teach you communication skills at the same time, so have the tools and understand to continue your conversations and your new way of relating to each other immediately and implement these into your life, to go far beyond your sessions with me.
We will look at your life goals. What fulfills you as a person. We will look at what brings happiness to your partner and makes them feel alive also. We will make sure you are on your own life path towards your dreams.
With greater love and a positive vision, which you will take steps towards every session, and into your lives.
If you and your partner are having difficulties in communicating, we have the answer!
What we do
If you and your partner are arguing, we teach you how to change your focus from negative to positive - in always having a positive outcome in mind, to use direct communication, to ask high grade solution focused questions, to using humour, making time for each other, and doing things which make you feel truly alive.
Our Step by Step approach will go to the core of solving your relationship issues, helping you incorporate each other's goals into a shared vision, meaning and purpose, for your relationship. This creates a strong mutual loving foundation for your life together.
We will then coach you on how to make it happen, giving you any tools you may need - such as listening skills, understanding male-female polarity in creating lasting sexual attraction, stepping into your personal power in your vocation, and taking practical steps to realise your dreams, to create a mutual and shared expansive platform out of which you can grow together for the rest of your lives.
Who we see
We see couples from all walks of live, builders, carpenters, farmers, lawyers, judges, housewives, CEO's, entrepreneurs, artists, actors, teachers, in fact from every field you can think of.
Often couples come to us as their last hope. Sometimes they have seen other therapists with limited success, but still do not want to give up on their relationship.
When couples come on the verge of separation they have usually been trying on their own to put things right for a long time, without knowing the steps they can take to make things better between them.
Our expertise is in saving and turning round relationships on the brink of separation.
The sessions are two hours instead of the traditional hour, and in that time I provide a space for you to:
Learn advance communication skills giving you the tools to create connection and deeper understanding.
Meet each other's needs and grow as individuals and as a couple
Out of your individual core values create a vision of shared values which encompasses your differences and strengths in a way where you can both grow and create your life together.
Uncover and resolve blocks to loving.
Putting love, growth, contribution and connection first, so working as a team from sharing these values you can handle anything together.
Go first in loving, each taking the initiative to love - without waiting to be loved, You may ask, "Why should I go first?" The reason is because this is the quickest and easiest way to get what you need and create the relationship you really want. Initiating love also educates your partner in what love is, love is giving - and the more you give the more you have - so it is very easy to fall in love with your partner again when you totally change your focus from getting to giving. For this reason, when someone says, "I am don't know if I am in love with my partner," the therapeutic question is, "Well, are you creating love?"
This flies in the face of how many people imagine love should be. The other partner should love them as they are, for themselves, and often do so without being asked - or informed of their needs!
Given that we love people usually in the way we want to be loved - it is hardly surprising this is a recipe for pain, frustration, blame, and unhappiness.
Few people realise that creating happiness is an art, not a right. It is an active science which to a great degree we have a huge amount of control over. Bringing this science to relationships, creates wise and flourishing relationships.
Work on the surface level to communicate with each other in a way which creates connection
reach and realign the underlying issues which caused your problems,
deeply come to understand where you are both at at the moment,
see how each other works, and what has not been working - so you can put it right,
create connection with each other
And from that place of connection you can create a way forwards, with common goals, vision and purpose, which unites your fulfillment as individuals with your fulfillment as a couple, to create a strong partnership together.
The difference between traditional couple counselling is that while traditional couple counselling will facilitate communication, I teach you communication skills at the same time, so have the tools and understand to continue your conversations and your new way of relating to each other immediately and implement these into your life, to go far beyond your sessions with me.
We will look at your life goals. What fulfills you as a person. We will look at what brings happiness to your partner and makes them feel alive also. We will make sure you are on your own life path towards your dreams.
With greater love and a positive vision, which you will take steps towards every session, and into your lives.